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Day 06 | Proposing Our Designs

The sixth day of our field school started with a more adrenaline-buzzed atmosphere at the Nadalem Pengulon (or work base) as all three groups geared up to complete our final proposals before 16.15h. Contrary to the past few days of drafting and scribbling our ideas on paper, today is the day we had to come out with our proposed schematic design (and a scaled model of the same) before today late afternoon when we present our ideas to a group of external professionals and academicians.

As the eight-hour countdown started ticking from 08.00h, the pendopo looked more like a typical design studio in an architecture school with participants in pensive mood working away on their laptops and model-making materials strewn all over the red carpet. In between the hours, the lecturers helped us to order the delivery of materials as well as refreshments. Despite the hectic working pace, the outcome required for the presentation always seems manageable and not very stressful as we all shared the load in our working groups consisting of eight to nine participants. The presentation commenced at 16.30h as externals, other non-participating students from Universitas Islam Indonesia and the local community members of Kauman gathered with us at the pendopo. It was an interesting sharing session as we get to hear other groups to know how they developed their designs and present our ideas. We ended the day on a high note as we completed our first phase of the field school with splendid critical remarks from the external jury members. Although the task is complete for now but we will continue to improve it based on today’s comments as, and when we get time before the field school public exhibition on Aug 1, 2018. As we all wind down in the evening, we all are eagerly looking forward to our study trip tomorrow morning to the ancient temple of Borobudur!

Photo: Nikhil

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